Shaped to Serve

We are Shaped to Serve; To Serve God and One Another

We look forward to being in ministry with you!


As people of faith, we are created in the image of God. We are built for community and relationship, and we are shaped to serve.

This month, we will be encouraging everyone to discern where they might be called to serve here at church on Sunday mornings.

Sunday morning worship is not just something we do together, it’s also something we do for each other. We greet at the door, or put out the cookies or play with little kids while their parents attend service.

There are many ways to be part of creating meaningful Sunday morning experiences, and we invite you to consider what part you can play in this new program year.

In this booklet (see link below) you will find many ideas for how you can serve on a Sunday morning. We hope you will read it over, listen to the sermons and special video interviews, and then sign up to serve.

Click HERE to see a PDF of the Shaped to Serve brochure which breaks down the various opportunities to serve.



Click HERE to get to the signup sheet

Or scan the QR code below

Or stop by the Connections Table in the Narthex after Sunday services and we will sign you up!



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