What to Expect

We know that coming to a new church for the first time can be intimidating. The best way to feel most comfortable in a new church is to know what to expect.


In-Person Worship: Bulletins are distributed before each worship service, including an order of worship, weekly announcements, a prayer list, and a letter from the pastor. Lyrics for hymns and worship songs are projected on the front wall of the Sanctuary, but hymnals are available at each pew. We have a coffee hour following each service, where beverages and snacks are available. The first Sunday of each month is Communion Sunday. The bread is gluten-free, and the wine is grape juice, so there are no stumbling blocks or barriers preventing people from participating. We have a FM broadcast-assisted listening system to help individuals with hearing loss hear the service more clearly. If you would like to use one of the listening units, please see an usher. Each unit comes with a wired headphone, which will be sanitized after each use. If you prefer to bring your own wired headphones, please ensure they have a 3.5 mm jack.

Online Worship: We livestream both Sunday services on YouTube and Facebook.


At Royal Oak First, we like our congregation to feel comfortable and casual. Feel free to wear whatever makes you feel this way.


As a downtown church, we have plenty of parking. Our parking lot is on S. Lafayette, across the street from our building. If this lot is full, there is also a city parking structure on the corner of 6th Street & S. Lafayette. Parking is always free on Sundays.


There are four entrances to our building: two on Lafayette and two on W. Seventh St. All four entrances lead to the main gathering space on the first floor. The Sanctuary Entrance on W. Seventh St, under the bell tower, is the ground-level entrance with elevator access. All doors have buttons to push to have us ring you in.

Sunday School

Sunday School is offered at both the 9 am & 11 am worship services. Join us in The Village on the second floor.

Nursery: Infants and Toddlers will be tended to by our caring Nursery Staff in the Nursery on the first floor, just outside the Sanctuary. Parents can request a pager that the nursery staff can use to get a hold of them if they are needed during worship.


As an open, inclusive, and affirming congregation, we believe in the inherent dignity and worth of all people as children of God, and we seek to exemplify Jesus’ example of love without reservation or exception. We welcome and celebrate diversity and the full inclusion of all people, regardless of age, race, culture, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity expression, family configuration, physical ability, citizenship, language, or socioeconomic status.

We wholeheartedly support the full participation of all people in the faith community, including through marriage, employment, leadership, access to programs, services, and resources, and nomination for ministerial calling.  At Royal Oak First, all are welcome… and all means all.



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