Advent Blog The first Sunday in Advent

A Paper Chain Christmas

At my church this Advent we are making Paper Chains. Each day has a Bible verse and some ideas of how to share Christmas. I am thinking today that sometimes my life feels like that paper chain. Each day is fragile, held together with glue and I wonder how the chain will hold when this day is torn away.

But the whole point of the Advent chain is to truly prepare our hearts to celebrate the coming of the Christ child.

Today’s link on the chain looks like this:

Dec 3 – Read Luke 1: 26-27 God sends an angel to Mary. Find as many angels as you can ….from Christmas decorations or just pictures. Do you know any angels? Who has been an angel to you? Write a thank you note to an angel in your life.

My grandson and I just went through the house, looking for angels, but more importantly think about how powerful it would be if each of us wrote a thank you note to someone who has been an angel in our lives. The power of God’s love moves in the fragile and the simple. The power of God’s love is revealed on earth in a baby, in a manger. This advent let’s find the power of a simple Christmas, a paper chain Christmas.

Grace and Peace at Advent


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Advent Blog The first Sunday in Advent
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