Moms at Pubs (MAP)

MAP is a group that meets for fun and fellowship at a local pub, giving moms a chance to relax, laugh, and enjoy the fellowship of other moms. We normally meet monthly on the 4th Thursday of each month so our next meeting will be on Thursday, March 27 at 7:00 p.m. at...

Clothing Closet Needs

The Outreach on 7th’s Clothing Closet really needs donations of backpacks (any condition) and men’s shoes/boots sizes 10 & 11. Please drop off at the church office, Monday-Thursday between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.

Holy Week 2025

Palm Sunday Services Sunday, April 13, 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. services Worship in-person or online as we celebrate Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem. We will be led by our House Band and the Sanctus Choirs at both services. In addition, the Pre-K/K and...

Livestream Training (Pizza included!)

Have you ever wanted to learn how our services are livestreamed every Sunday and help out doing Sunday services or other special events? Kevin Walsh, our Online Video Coordinator is doing a Livestream Training on Sunday, March 23 right after the 11 a.m. service....

Easter Egg Fillers Collection

The kids and youth of Royal Oak First are collecting donations of individually wrapped pieces of candy, toys/trinkets, and plastic eggs for their annual ‘Egg My House’ fundraiser through Sunday, April 13. A collection bin is at the Connections Table. If you prefer to...

Egg My House

Make Easter morning “egg-stra” special for your kids with a yard full of candy and toy-filled eggs delivered by Royal Oak First! Purchase twenty-four (24) eggs for $25 or double the fun with forty-eight (48) eggs for $50. All proceeds support the Youth Mission Trip....

Easter Lilies

We are excited to offer the choice of purchasing a lily or contributing to United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) in honor or memory of a loved one. The lilies will decorate the Sanctuary on Easter Sunday, April 20. The names of the donors and those to be...

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