Would You Like to Help Serve Communion?

Join us in a meaningful ministry of compassion and connection! We are looking for people to help serve communion on Sundays at both the 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. service. We will provide the training for this very important ministry. If this is something that interests...

NOAH Sandwich Assembly – From Home

Would you like to spend additional time this Fall in service? We’ve designed an opportunity for many households to sponsor another NOAH at Central lunch together. You can sign up to make 30 sandwiches at your home to be delivered to church on Sunday, October 27....

Pillowcases Kit Prep

Before we can hold another Pillowcase Assembly Workshop (hosted by the Knowledge Circle ladies), we need to prep additional kits. This involves careful measuring and cutting of fabric. We are hoping for 5-6 adults to help on the morning of Thursday, October 17 from...

Faith & Blue

Royal Oak First is helping to host the Faith & Blue event that celebrates the partnerships between places of worship and our Royal Oak Police and Fire Departments. Please plan to join us on 7th Street on Saturday, October 12, 1-3 p.m. for an afternoon of family...

Ushers and Greeters Needed

Would you like to be in service while also being of service that very same day? We have got areas that are fun to volunteer for on Sunday mornings. Greeters make sure that everyone who comes to worship with us on Sundays is met with a friendly face to welcome them...

Big Boy Night

Mark your calendar for Tuesday, October 8, from 4:00-8:00 p.m. for Big Boy Night! This is a fundraiser sponsored by Royal Oak First’s Music Guild. All proceeds from Big Boy Night will support our summer choir camp. The restaurant is giving us 15% of all sales between...

ABIDE Men’s Fellowship

Resuming on September 24, the ABIDE Men’s Fellowship will meet on the last Tuesday of each month at the Royal Oak Tap House (714 S. Washington, Royal Oak) at 7:00 p.m. All other meetings during the month will be held at the church every Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. ALL men...

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