Lent Sandwich & Lunch Assembly from Home

Are you looking for a one-time service opportunity this Lent? We’ve designed an opportunity for many households to sponsor another NOAH At Central lunch together. You can sign up to make 30 sandwiches or 30 lunches at your home to be delivered to church on Sunday,...

Yarn Donations for Shawl Ministry

If you or your loved ones have extra yarn, please consider donating it to our Shawl Ministry. The Shawl Ministry meets the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month, 1-3 p.m. They share fellowship while knitting or crocheting comfort items that are gifted to others in times...

“1946” Movie Screening & Discussion

MOVIE SCREENING & DISCUSSION Royal Oak First is partnering with Journey Center of Michigan to host a viewing and contemplative discussion of the documentary “1946: The Mistranslation that Shifted a Culture” on Sunday, March 9, from 1:00-4:00 p.m. The documentary...

Ash Wednesday 2025

Join us on Wednesday, March 5! Drive Thru Ashes on Lafayette! Drive up to the Lafayette Street side of the church to receive the imposition of ashes right in your car! Our pastors will be available for a special blessing from 8:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. Simple Soup Supper at...

Lent Small Groups Book Study

During Lent this year, everyone is invited to be part of a small group book study! We will have at least five groups, all beginning the week of March 9th to choose from – evening, daytime, in-person and on Zoom. The book is “Short Stories by Jesus”...

Feeding Our Youth Group

Every Sunday night, our Youth Group gathers for fellowship and activities to grow in our relationship with God and with each other. A big part of this is having dinner together. Would you be willing to provide dinner for our youth? You can cook at home, or cook here...

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