The Adult (Sanctus) Choir Needs YOU! Do You Qualify?
Positions Open: Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass. No others need apply. Physical Qualifications: Must be able to carry musical notes part way across the church. Must have significant vision to see the director 20 feet away (or not). Experience: No application accepted...Friends of Lithuania Gathering
As many of you know we have a global partnership with the churches in Lithuania (this is where our Noisy Bucket offering goes). The last time we were together was in 2018 and what a great time we had sharing and getting to know one another along with strengthening our...Harvest Time at Micah 6
Come join us on Saturday, September 23, from 9:00 a.m.-noon, as we lend our hands in service at the Micah 6 gardens in Pontiac. Our friends at Micah 6 work daily to build community and improve the lives of those in their neighborhood. At the heart of their mission are...
Love Well
Sunday, September 3, 2023
Scripture: Romans 12:9-21
Preacher: Jeff Nelson
“All God’s People” Small Group Discussion Series & Retreat
For over two years, the Racial Reconciliation Team has been faithfully meeting and learning about racism and racial reconciliation in a Christian context. The team has created a five-week version of this learning experience in small group settings starting in early...
All You Need is Love
Sunday, August 27, 2023
Scripture: Psalm 100
Preacher: Jeff Nelson