2022 Church Conference

Please mark Thursday, September 22 at 7:00 pm on your calendar for our Annual Church Conference. We will be joined by our District Superintendent, Rev. Dr. Darryl E. Totty, to conduct our business meeting, elect our leadership for the next year and be informed of what...


New socks and underwear are some of the most important items for homeless folks in the winter. Our friends at The NOAH Project (at Central UMC) give out over 10,000 pairs of socks annually as part of their work supporting the homeless of Detroit. It is our goal to...

Hands with Detroit

The goal of Hands with Detroit is for United Methodists throughout the region to join our hands together to support our neighbors in Detroit during the weekend of October 1st. Royal Oak First has signed up to participate in two ways: we will help establish a new dog...

Fall Kickoff 2022

FALL KICKOFF IS SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 11! Please mark Sunday, September 11 on your calendar and plan to join us for the kickoff of the 2022-23 worship year. We will have one outdoor service (under the tent) at 10 a.m. that morning followed by a block party on 7th Street....

Passions Assessment

Welcome to Our Passions Assessment       Passion…an intense desire or enthusiasm for something.   If you had nothing stopping you, what would you spend your time doing? What gifts has God given you to make a difference in the world? It could be a...

Spiritual Gifts Assessment

We give gifts to people as an expression of love, gratitude, and appreciation. The best gifts always seem to be the ones where we can tell that the giver has put some real thought into the gift. They have given us something that is “just for us,” showing a deep...

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