The Grief Recovery Method is just that – a method – a step by step process – an “action program” – for unlocking and respecting the emotional experience of our grief and exploring different beliefs about grief – especially the ones holding us back in life. No matter the kind of loss you’ve experienced, there is room for everyone to heal. Mondays, starting April 1 for 8 weeks, ending May 20 from 5:30-7:30 p.m. There will be some homework in-between the in-person classes. The workshop is hosted by Royal Oak First United Methodist Church in Room 303 and is available for any community member to sign up. Workshop leader is Tami Hollingsworth-Dowd, Certified Grief Recovery Specialist® and Professional Coach. The cost is discounted at $200/person and limited to 15 people. You must register by March 24 if you want to participate!

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