Positions Open: Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass. No others need apply.
Physical Qualifications: Must be able to carry musical notes part way across the church. Must have significant vision to see the director 20 feet away (or not).
Experience: No application accepted from persons who have not sung, hummed or whistled in the shower or car.
Wages: Satisfaction and joy in God’s service.
Fringe Benefits: Social Security – we promise you the security of social fellowship with other members of the choir.
Hours: Thursday evenings and Sunday mornings with occasional opportunities for overtime (at rate mentioned above).
Vacation: We’ll take you when we can get you! Time off is expected. The director promises only one glare upon your return.
Retirement: No particular age, but it is generally determined by prayer, printed notes getting too small, notes too high, church too hot (or cold), or organist unable to play all the notes you sing.
Rehearsals: Thursdays at 7:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary.
Apply: By attending the next rehearsal.