
Dear Friends,

This week we begin our Lenten journey together and we are working to walk this journey UnAfraid. That is the title of our Lenten Series; UnAfraid, Living with Courage and Hope in Uncertain Times. For the next five weeks, we will talk about our fears, the things that make us anxious, and cause us to worry. We will pull them out into the light and take a good hard look. We will examine how we can move through this world with courage and hope, despite the chaos swirling around us.

A couple of weeks ago, I read an interview in the New York Times. It was an interview with Donald McNeil, a reporter who covers the global health beat. I was struck by his sincerity and honesty. He talked about how he questions himself, “Am I alarmist or not alarmist enough?” He is obviously a man who takes his job reporting health news very seriously. I sent a note to him telling him how much I appreciate his honesty and his diligence. Then I ended by saying, “I have faith in you.” I had decided to trust in his reporting of these critical stories on world health. It was a small and symbolic stake in the ground that I believe I have found a true and honest source of information. It is a step of faith and trust.

In the end, our fears are like that. Part of learning to live UnAfraid is learning to have faith and to trust in God. How do we do that; what does that look like in the world?

We’ll kick off our Lenten series talking about anxiety…high anxiety. Following the 11:00 service, Matthew Swartz, an expert in the field, will speak to us about how to better recognize and cope with anxiety. We’ll be serving a light lunch. Join us for this important talk.

Grace and Peace,



My note to Donald McNeil:

Thank you for the insight into your research and how you frame the stories about world health issues. As you wonder, “am I alarmist, or not alarmist enough?” so do we, your readers, ask ourselves, “do we believe this one or is this part of an unnecessary panic?” Somehow, I think you know that. I’m glad you are on the health beat for all of us. I have faith in you. Thank you for covering these tough and important issues with such integrity and for mixing in care and concern.

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